Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 2 at the Fair

Sheila and I got to meet Emerson Drive and they were hot hot - even from the backside. We had so much fun with their merchandise seller - he had an awesome personality!
So Fair Word for the Day is :
G-TARD - which is a suburban white kid that wishes he was from the ghetto! We loved that one!
Stay tuned we already have tomorrow's word - so get ready!!


  1. What you FORGOT to mention is how they asked us to go on their bus with them and tour with them....but we told them we REALLY have to stay here because of our families!
    Man - I hope our families apprecaite us for what we gave up for them! :)

  2. LOL...I think I persoanlly 'know' several G-Tards!!!! love this word...are you joinin us for the SSS this case you wanna check it out here is the comment i am leaving on those that have joined already....

    Stopping by with a SSS update:
    we sent out the first round of q&a's last night if you did not receive an email from us please click the link below and follow the instructions-if you did get the email and have filled out the q&a you are good to go-your answers were automatically entered in our google doc form...
    Thanks and we are so excited you are joining the SSS
